Kitchen Reno details

I recently posted an image of my recently renovated kitchen with an image of my feature shelf full of ceramics. Turns out that I am not alone in conceptualising my feature shelf first THEN the rest of the kitchen to go around it. I thought I might just include some details of a few of the excellent craftspeople we had work on the renovation.

Firstly, all the kitchen cabinetry was made by Woodbeast located in Brunswick. Whilst I designed the kitchen as my old cap was as an Interior designer, the two men at Woodbeast, Joel and Tom were ever patient and creative with their input.

Windows and doors were installed by BINQ windows , Chelsea Heights and their workmanship and communication was excellent.

Corking flooring came from Market Timbers in Brooklyn, and it is really nice to live on. Soft underfoot, quiet and easy to clean.

All appliances from from Goodguys, Preston and the head sales woman there was a gun with information and giving a good price.

Woodbeast, Brunswick
Market Timbers
The Good Guys


New Moon Phase Ceramic Wallhangings


What goes into your favourite ceramic piece…