
We’re dedicated to making more sustainable choices and to continuously improving upon our environmental and social impact. In the sections that follow, learn about the ways in which we’re working to do and be better.

Powered by Renewable Energy

Katrina uses 100% green energy to power her garden studio in Preston, utilising solar panels to generate the heat for the Unearthed Ceramics kiln, as well as paying for Green energy for the inevitable overlap. We have recently invested in a high energy efficient kiln which will have a significantly positive impact on reducing energy consumption.

Carbon Emissions Offsetting

We offset the carbon emissions from our minimal car usage by participating in GreenCollar’s Go Neutral scheme. An electric car is not in our budget so this is a small step.

Carbon Neutral Shipping

Unearthed Ceramics uses Sendle to post orders in Australia and to destinations further abroad, taking advantage of their 100% carbon neutral delivery scheme. In addition, customers are invited to collect their wares directly from the brand’s urban studio in the suburb of Preston.

Minimising Waste

In every area of our operations, it is our aim to minimise the waste that we produce and to repurpose remnant materials. In the studio, excess clay is recycled after wheel throwing, and is combined with the trimmings that are produced during the making process. The recycled clay is then laid out to dry and wedged by hand in preparation for use in the next project. Water usage and waste is kept to an absolute minimum throughout all stages of production.

Clay Matters: Clay Workers for the Environment

Unearthed Ceramics is a member of Clay Matters: Clay Workers for the Environment. Clay Matters is a community that exists to, ‘encourage clay workers to lead and inspire climate action, embed environmentally friendly and sustainable practices in the studio, and strengthen individual and social commitments to carbon reduction.’ (Clay Matters, 2022)

Unearthed also supports Greenpeace with its environmental activism with a monthly donation.

Compostable & Recyclable Materials

We utilise compostable and recyclable materials to carefully and thoughtfully package our wares, sourcing components from local businesses where ever possible.

We also use Recycle Smart for recycling our clay bags as well as soft plastics in a street run initiative.


Leave us your email and we will let you know about collection release dates and special events.